3. Tatakamudra (pond gesture)
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Tatakamudra (pond gesture)
I tend to include Tatakamudra in any practice, usually before sarvangasana (shoulderstand). It can be practiced with the arms above the head, fingers entwined and turned palms outward or with the arms by the side palms downward.
As a mudra Tatakamudra can be practiced at any point in our practice or indeed, outside our regular practice.
Most of the pictures I'll be posting in the Proficient Primary Project will show a deep uddiyana bandha, this is to draw attention to the focus on the breath (long and slow) and in particular the kumbhaka (retaining the breath in or out). Such a dramatic Uddiyana bandha as in the photos tends to be practiced on the hold at the end of the exhalation.
Exhale fully and before inhaling draw the belly, below and above the navel, in and up. Mula bandha will follow. Hold for 2-5 seconds.
Drishti/concentration: Inhalation - from big toe to the top of the head. Exhalation - tip of the nose.
Uddiyana bandha doesn't need to be this fully engaged it can be a much more subtle engagement such that it becomes possible on the retention after inhalation, indeed subtle uddiyana banddha might be maintained throughout the practice as in Ashtanga Vinyasa, engaged more fully at times depending on the asana.
Tatakamudra mudra along with Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog) are considered ideal postures for focussing on developing and exploring uddiyana bandha.
Bit embarressed to include this but here's a video of my trying to explain how I approach and experience tatakamudra in my own practice from the Yoga-Rainbow Festival here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1BtOp67FKg my much loved Maria Vorobyeva (Moscow) translating
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