I was sent a few pages from Pushpam Yoga Magazine recently, a smart, nicely written, chewy - in a thought provoking sense, quarterly from a team with strong connections to Certified Ashtanga teacher Hamish Hendry and Ashtanga Yoga London. Their website mentions that they now ship globally and with issue two coming out next month it's worth checking out the site and perhaps grabbing one of the last copies of issue one.
Nice photographs, an interview with Tim Miller that I particularly enjoyed conducted by Hamish himself, an eclectic, curious and at time welcomingly unexpected collection articles/contributions ranging from philosophy, asana, meditation, an interview and book review even a recipe.
"Pushpam is a quarterly (or so) yoga magazine. It is published by Hamish Hendry of Astanga Yoga London. Focusing on yoga beyond asana, regular contributors include Sharath Jois, Hamish Hendry and Genny Wilkinson Priest. Interviews with some of the most experienced senior certified Astanga teachers feature in every issue".
Letter from the publisher
Pushpam means flower in Sanskrit. For those who like to be pernickety the “sh” is in retroflex with the tongue curled back.
In India, a flower is used in ceremonies as an offering to God, marking special occasions or even to mourn the dead. A flower, in the full of its life, yields nectar and often turns into fruit and seed. Yet its existence is temporary for at some point it perishes and returns to the ground from whence it came.
It is both the beginning and the end.
In our urban lives a flower popping through a concrete pavement’s crack reminds us that beauty and life are not far away. I hope this magazine will be an offering and sow many seeds".
Hamish Hendry – November 2015
I visited Ashtanga Yoga London back in 2008, it was my first visit to a Mysore room. I've just spent ages looking for the original post, turns out there were three and so decided to bring them together here, was interesting reading these back over eight years later.
My First (and second )Mysore class
Visiting Ashtanga yoga London
Monday, 29 September 2008
Nice photographs, an interview with Tim Miller that I particularly enjoyed conducted by Hamish himself, an eclectic, curious and at time welcomingly unexpected collection articles/contributions ranging from philosophy, asana, meditation, an interview and book review even a recipe.
from the website
"Pushpam is a quarterly (or so) yoga magazine. It is published by Hamish Hendry of Astanga Yoga London. Focusing on yoga beyond asana, regular contributors include Sharath Jois, Hamish Hendry and Genny Wilkinson Priest. Interviews with some of the most experienced senior certified Astanga teachers feature in every issue".
Letter from the publisher
Pushpam means flower in Sanskrit. For those who like to be pernickety the “sh” is in retroflex with the tongue curled back.
In India, a flower is used in ceremonies as an offering to God, marking special occasions or even to mourn the dead. A flower, in the full of its life, yields nectar and often turns into fruit and seed. Yet its existence is temporary for at some point it perishes and returns to the ground from whence it came.
Hamish Hendry – November 2015
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Hamish Hendry, John Scott The Yoga Place, 1980s? Crete Photo curtesy of Kristina Karitinou-Ireland |
Difficult to read the table of contents on the website, here it is for Issue one.
Table of Contents
(note: there tends to be full page photos between many of the articles)
(note: there tends to be full page photos between many of the articles)
Letter from the publisher p 7
A more Spiritual Life - by Sharath jois - p 9
How to lose an Argument - Hamish Hendry - p 10
In conversation: Two Certified teachers - p 11
Tim miller and Hamish Hendry
Some things I have learned living with a
degenerative spine condition - Dimitris Thomopoulos p- 15
What is the purpose of studying Yoga Philosophy - Luke Jordan - p 16
What is the purpose of asana - Daniel Simpson - p18
Yoga and Ramadam: Are the compatible - Rousol Altimimi - p 22
Gos in Patanjali's yoga Sutras - Ruth Westoby - p 24
Unravelling the yoga and eating disorder tangle - Genny Willkinson-Priest - p 27
Meditation;: How to slow Thinking
Stop Worrying and Stay Awake - SuYen Tan (London Buddhist Center) - p 32
Western Meditation and Astanga Yoga practice
- A personal Experience - Doug Taukobong-Olsen - p 34
Lost and Found:
Reclaiming the magical World of Astanga - Esther Geis - p 38
Gentling the Bull by Myohyo-Ni:
A book review - Inna Constantini - p 40
The simplicity of Socca - Tom Norrington-Davis (chef) - p 42
Link to website
and on facebook
See also this review by Genny Wilkinson- Priest's of Hamish Hendry's delightful book Yoga Dharama
and on facebook
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Link to facebook |
See also this review by Genny Wilkinson- Priest's of Hamish Hendry's delightful book Yoga Dharama
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Reading Yoga Dharama outside the farmhouse on my 2014 five-day retreat in Spain |
I visited Ashtanga Yoga London back in 2008, it was my first visit to a Mysore room. I've just spent ages looking for the original post, turns out there were three and so decided to bring them together here, was interesting reading these back over eight years later.
My First (and second )Mysore class
Visiting Ashtanga yoga London
Thinking about going to your first Mysore class?
This morning I went to my first Mysore class. I've been practicing Ashtanga from books DVDs etc, 6 days a week, for a year and a half but never had a lesson class or workshop. I often thought about it but the longer I didn't go the more apprehensive/uncomfortable I was about going. I settled for the excuse that there wasn't anywhere nearby. I figure I'm not alone in this so for anyone else shala shy, here's how it went.
I took the train into London and went to Ashtanga Yoga London for Sunday Mysore. Make sure you write down the door number if you go as it's most inconspicuous. I eventually found the place after walking up and down Drumond Street a couple of times. Buzzed in I was met at the door. Louise, friendly, asked if I knew the series and if I had any injuries and told me to be sure to say if I found an adjustment too much. I guess it's a small Shala, maybe room for 15 to 20 mats. Not much room to change but I'd come with my yoga shorts under my trousers so no problem. I had been concerned about the etiquette for placing my mat but they very cleverly have these little Logos all over the floor that you centre your mat on. And there was a wall! Each mat is next to a wall, something I'm used to having at home, that made me more comfortable although I didn't need it.
Felt so strange striped down to my shorts walking through the room to put down my mat, but then you start on the oh so familiar Surys and you're in your own world again. Occasionally I would notice that someone would quietly chant before they started their practice, liked that, nice way to get yourself in the right frame of mind, I might learn it this week. I'd thought I would get to see a bit of other peoples practice but I was facing the wall and it didn't feel appropriate to be looking around. Felt like such a lack of pretension, everyone just getting on with their practice. Loved the sound of the breath in the room but it was so hot that I found it hard to breathe and my breath was all over the place for most of the session. I'd expected it to be hot but not this hot, I've never sweat so much in my life. There were pools of sweat on my mat, half way through I moved back up into downward dog and a stream of sweat would start coming out of my Nike's. I weighed myself later and worked out I'd sweat 3-4 kilo's. Foolishly I'd just taken my sticky mat, next week I'll take the rug or maybe buy a Yoga towel (any advice?).
Adjustments were excellent and if you've only ever practiced at home then this is really why you should go to a Shala. L and R would come around the room and give me a little bit more of a twist here a press on the small of my back there, it made such a difference. The occasional lift and support giving focus and finally a lift in my backbend that was just fantastic. All done calmly, professionally and effectively. Did wonder about the etiquette though. Wanted to say thank you as they adjusted me but felt I should be focusing on my breath and then they had moved on before I could say anything, though I managed to thank them before I left.
Got through my practice, Jump backs and through went well on the whole but then my mat was so sweaty I was just sailing though....no literally "life on the ocean waves" sailing through. After backbends you go into the other room which is cooler and a relief, Savasana was glorious.
And that was that, changed quickly and rushed out into the fresh air thinking about how good a bottle of cold water was going to taste.
follow up post
Had my second Mysore class Sunday.This is by way of an update to that post
Was still really hot and I was sweating like crazy again but better prepared so less embarrassed about it. The microfiber towel worked pretty well, though if I hadn't ordered a Yogitoes I would have bought another it along for finishing. Took along a nice clean fluffy towel for adjustments too which again made me feel a lot better. Could jump back on the Microfiber but gave up on jumping though cleanly and just settled for jumping to sit. Have you noticed on my video's how it takes me a while to get myself set to lift off? That's OK at home but I don't feel comfortable doing that in the Shala so just went straight into it. Probably a good habit to get into. Talking of habits.....
Made a bit of a hash of my practice, was much more focused last week. All my bad habits came out, forgetting which leg I had started with or starting with the wrong leg, creative breathing, missing out a vinyassa or two. Upavishta konasana to Setu bandhasana was a mess. I think in my home practice I tend to rush through that section, especially on a work day. But it's kind of like fast forwarding through a movie. You get to the next good bit (backbends) but lose the whole pace of the movie. And while that section might not seem as challenging as the Mari's or as dramatic as the Kurama's there's a lot of hip opening and prep necessary for 2nd.
Followed Sharath's DVD this morning and going to do that all week to add a little discipline.
Amazing adjustments again, Mari D in particular was an eye opener. Been able to just manage it for a little while now but Sunday L. just kept turning me further and further into it until I could grasp my wrist rather than just my fingertips. Felt like if she let go my legs would be spinning round and round cartoon fashion.
Kind of blown away by the whole adjustment thing. Seems so generous. It's one thing to stand at the frount of a room and say do this, do that but to get down on a sweaty mat and help our sweaty bodies into these asanas just seems such a generous selfless act. A big THANK-YOU to all the ashtanga teachers and assistants who do that every morning, you're wonderful.
2nd follow up post
Owning my practice
I went to a Shala for the first time three weeks ago after a year and a half of self-practice (see posts below) and it was great, very beneficial and no doubt just what I needed. I was made aware of some of the physical possibilities of my body through adjustments. Pulled up gently on a couple of asanas I'd missed out and came away with a mental list of things to work on; getting the sequence of the last third of primary right, focusing on the correct sequence of breath, chakrosana etc. I've been working on all these elements for the last couple of weeks.........thing is, my practice doesn't feel mine anymore. Or less mine.
I started practicing Ashtanga alone at home with a book from the library, and then a DVD, more books more DVDs, youtube and the Internet. Asana that I thought were impossible for me, for my, mid 40s body have become possible. All the time it's just been me on my mat, alone in a room early each morning, my practice. It's followed my mood and inclination, will, desire, frustration, stubborn determination, whatever.
Somehow now, after visiting the Shala, it feels a little like I'm practicing for someone else, my teacher? I need to work on this or that, improve this or that (not because I've been asked to but these are areas that have been pointed out and I feel obliged to work on them). Those elements to work on didn't come from me, didn't arise in me. Perhaps they should have done and done so a long time ago perhaps some things I might never have noticed on my own. Don't get me wrong, I'm so very grateful for the attention, the adjustments, advice, suggestions it's just that each morning this last week it's felt a bit of a chore, my hearts not been in it. I feel more distant from my practice, less involved.
No doubt it will pass and it's just an adjustment but it's strange no? Wondered if anyone else had felt the same. And then I began to wonder if there's something similar when someone changes teachers and if so what that says about the teacher / student relationship ( I used to be a teacher ). And when you go to India, to Mysore, does it feel more or less your practice, more Guruji's perhaps, more the traditions practice. Or does it always feel your practice.
Perhaps if you began learning Ashtanga in a Shala it's different. If you give yourself over to a teacher to the tradition it's still your practice but in a different context. For me there was just this style of yoga that appealed to me, that appeared graceful and yet powerful, beautiful, perfect. I looked at it as practiced by John Scott, David Swenson, Richard Freeman, Sharath, Lino, Kino. And it's the same practice but each time subtly different and sometimes not so subtle. A personal expression...... there you go, a personal practice. As far as I know they all learnt from teachers and studied in Mysore and yet all have their OWN practice. So perhaps I'm just over reacting and it will pass, I hope so because I know I can gain so much from visiting the Shala and perhaps one day, a trip to mysore. And yet...........?
Just read over this and I'm not sure this is what I'm trying to get at, but it's a start.......
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